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Don't Sabotage Yourself on LinkedIn

Bobbie Foedisch, LinkedIn Expert, All About Leverage, LLC









Don’t Sabotage Yourself on LinkedIn

We have lived in a world of technology for decades, yet surprisingly it is quite common for otherwise tech-savvy people not to use what is available to them. Such is the case for LinkedIn. Some business people think that posting a rudimentary profile, often without a picture, answers the need. Wrong! Weak profiles and poor or no picture can create a lack of trust and looking elsewhere to satisfy business needs, job openings, purchase products/services, or one of the many other purposes for which LinkedIn is being used. Bobbie Foedisch is an expert in using LinkedIn for selling, building a business and getting connected to influencers. You can to. Tune in to a fast-paced, info-filled conversation between Steve and Bobbie and walk away with a game plan to advance your career, business and more.

Connect with Bobbie  – LinkedIn; Twitter

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