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Stay Calm Under Pressure and on Top of Your Game

Tina Greenbaum, Optimal Performance Coach









Stay Calm Under Pressure and on Top of Your Game

Have you ever had a boss or co-worker get under your skin? Have you ever been the boss or co-worker to get under someone’s skin? The answer to both of those is probably a hearty and heartfelt, “Yes!” When you are in management it is inevitable you will deal with stress, pressure and challenges. What isn’t pre-determined is how you will react to and handle them. Do you shoot from the hip and say things you regret later or are you in control, poised and making choices about how you will behave? Athletes are a great example. Ever watch an individual or team that was behind in their sport and it appeared certain they were going to lose, only to see them dig down to that fire deep inside that kept them determined, focused and the ultimate victors? You can do that too! Tina Greenbaum is an Optimal Performance Coach using the latest discoveries in neuroscience to teach others the performance skills necessary to manage their emotions in challenging and pressured situations. I’ll bet you could use that. You can listen to the conversation Steve had with Tina by clicking the audio above.

Learn more about Tina here —


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