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Spend Your Time Wisely and Meet the Right People

Patty Farmer

Spend Your Time Wisely and Meet the Right People

Are you in sales? If you are the CEO of a business, you definitely are! If you are a leader at another level, you are too. Selling doesn’t just happen on the sales team, it happens every day in the offices of leaders who have a product or service to sell and who are selling their ideas. And with your time at a premium, have you determined a strategic process for connecting with the right people who can direct business to your organization? Patty Farmer is an expert when it comes to social networking and selling. Social networking happens on the platforms of social media, and whether you’re meeting someone in person or virtually the process of developing relationships is part of the selling process. Stop wasting your time and get serious about connecting with the people who mean business.

Learn more about Patty and connect with her by visiting her website here

Connect with Patty on Twitter – @PattyFarmer

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