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Leader, are you dramatic or pragmatic?

Ivy Slater

Dramatic or Pragmatic?


Are you dramatic or pragmatic?  I’ll bet you are like most of us and you  are in full response mode to whatever emergency is happening at the time.

And, too often we focus on why we can’t do something rather than focus on the reasons we can. So why would a woman with a degree in dance and no money start her own business? Because she CAN!

Ivy Slater had the opportunity of working for several female business owners, and she decided she wanted to own a business, too. She knew nothing about printing, but an opportunity came along and she found a way to take it.

By never saying “I can’t” and always focusing on how she could, she kept knocking on doors until she found her first client, and ultimately sold that printing business for millions.

Opportunity is around all of us if we’re willing to take off the blinders.

Listen to the conversation I had with Ivy Slater, business coach, on her can-do, take-action, be-curious attitude, and you’ll get motivated to take the steps that have been stopping you. Yes, you CAN!

And, before you know it, you will be able to easily answer if you are dramatic or pragmatic because you will know how to make the choice to be a pragmatic leader who gets results.


Are you ready to LEAD?








click here for another episode

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