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Is your communication credible?

Is Your Communication Credible?


What are the patterns of communication in your workplace?  Do people often interrupt?  Do some feel they aren’t being heard?  Does everyone freely speak up in meetings?  Communication has its challenges, and when it comes to communication between genders there are numerous notable differences.  While each of us needs to take responsibility for our communication, if you are a manager there is the additional responsibility of making sure everyone on your team is contributing equally. 

Here are a few more of the issues — Does there tend to be preference to giving men attention vs. women? Are individuals approachable or are they credible? Are you finding it difficult to recruit and retain qualified women? What are some of the signs that negative communication patterns may exist?

Kimi Avary holds degrees in Counseling and Family Studies and Human Development.  In this podcast she offers unique insights for both men and women in how our unintended styles of communication may be helping or harming us and potentially creating conflict among co-workers.  You’ll want to listen, because what you’re about to hear will likely be eye opening.

Connect with Kimi HERE or HERE.



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