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Fewer Meetings Better Results

Christina Hamlett


Fewer Meetings Better Results

Do you want fewer meetings better results?  I’d bet you would say YES!!!!!!! Well, I want them too!  I’m sick of wasting my life in meetings that don’t accomplish anything. So many meetings are being held in today’s workplace that it is common to hear experts recommend ways to reduce the number. However, reduced volume isn’t the only issue. Productive conversations and valuable solutions with assigned actions are also necessary, but so seldom happen. Christina Hamlett is a communications expert and award winning author understanding the value of message design and audience analysis. We invited Christina back to the Manager Mojo podcast to gain her insights into the issues and challenges of unproductive meetings in today’s business. Her review of human interactions and the routine outcomes is spot on, and her suggestions for making improvements that will create valuable meetings are – well – valuable. If you find yourself in meeting overwhelm that isn’t resulting in an abundance of needed solutions, you’ll want to be sure to listen to this podcast. None of us should have to spend the most productive moments of our lives stuck in meetings that don’t matter to anyone.  I guarantee that this discussion will inspire you the way it inspired me. Let’s all make a declaration that we will put into practice the wisdom and ideas that Christina shares with us!

To connect directly with Christina, click HERE

Here is her email: [email protected]


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