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Empowering Leaders Deal with Personal Leadership First

Valerie Sheppard









Empowering Leaders Deal with Personal Leadership First

Are you a leader challenged to lead a team while struggling to manage your personal life? Empowering leaders understand that before they can successfully lead others they need to be able to lead themselves, and that is often easier said than done. We all have blind spots as well as limiting and false beliefs. You don’t know what you don’t know. It is up to you to gain clarity so that successful personal leadership can lead to team leadership. Leading a high performance team requires leveraging the best aspects of yourself, and today’s guest can help! Valerie Sheppard has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge when it comes to leading oneself, understanding growth areas and translating that knowledge into becoming an empowering leader who envisions, enables and energizes the team. Her insights are practical, empowering and being taught at the University of California – Irvine. Get a glimpse of that dynamic curriculum in this podcast.


You can connect with Valerie at her website, here….


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