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Boring & Dull May be the Secret to Your Championship Team – A conversation with Sam Walker, former sports columnist and Wall Street Journal deputy editor

Sam Walker









Boring & Dull May be the Secret to Your Championship Team 

This isn’t a podcast of sports stories, quotes or analogies. It’s a discussion of how championship sports teams became champions due to the efforts of an ‘unsung hero,’ that individual who (somewhat) quietly goes about their business while at the same time being the barometer of performance that everyone on the team wants to live up to. How do teams become great? It may not be from the obvious traits we tend to think of – the most charismatic leader/coach who is a great motivator and communicator. In fact, it could be just the opposite – that quiet person who is (dare we say) rather dull and boring. In his book The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams, Sam Walker happened upon the surprising insight that what we thought as obvious simply wasn’t. The greatest teams in sports history were not great because of charisma, motivation or inspirational communication. There was always that ‘odd duck’ who stayed below the radar yet had an internal compass that wouldn’t allow themselves or their team mates to quit or perform at any level less than their absolute best. Who is this person on your team? You’ll gain some ideas from this podcast.


To read more about Sam Walker’s book The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams click the link.  You can also follow Sam on Twitter and Facebook.   

If you’d like to buy The Captain Class from Amazon, click the link.


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Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to managers and leaders who desire to excel in their career and become the leader others want to follow. Steve is a leadership expert, host of the Manager Mojo podcast and author of the book Manager Mojo – Be the Leader Others Want to Follow. (www.ManagerMojo.com)

Steve also coaches his followers not only on how to become great leaders, but how to effectively coach and lead their employees to find satisfaction and fulfillment from their jobs and life.

Having started his work career at the savvy age of 13, Steve is also currently CEO of Predictive People Analytics based in San Francisco, CA, a firm specializing in helping leaders increase sales, reduce turnover, and attract key talent. (www.PredictivePeopleAnalytics.com)